Tuesday, 11 December 2007

Meals 11 December

We started with a simple vegetable soup. You know the kind. Sweat onion, carrot and celery in oil for ten minutes, add water or stock, add more chopped vegetables. In this case I sweated carrot and kohlrabi, both being leftover from Cooking Club on Monday, and then added whatever was in the fridge. There was quite a lot of carrot, which made it quite sweet.

Then we had a green pepper stuffed with mince and mushrooms, topped with cheese. Courgette on the side.

Earlier, breakfast was the standard omelette with ham, while lunch I only had at three and it was a courgette carpaccio.

Not too much in the way of calories, there. :( I have been wondering whether my calorie intake is too low. At some stage soon I will feed these meals into Mastercook and get an opinion.

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